On the 27th of July 2020, the Chairman of the Presidential Task Force on COVID-19 (PTF-COVID-19) announced the gradual reopening of schools across the country. This initially applied to students in exiting classes with guidance on COVID-19 preventive measures while other classes and levels were to resume subsequently. The PTF-COVID-19 has continued to work with relevant stakeholders to conduct risk assessments for evidence-based decision making, to ensure the safe reopening of schools in the context of COVID-19.
In line with this, the Federal Ministry of Education in collaboration with PTF-COVID-19, Nigeria Centre for Disease Control (NCDC), and other relevant stakeholders, have published a Public Health Guidance for Safe School Re-opening in Nigeria. As some States commence the reopening of schools for all students, this guidance is critical for mitigating the risk of COVID-19 infection in school settings.
The document contains strongly recommended activities such as periodic risk assessments by States, Local Government Areas (LGAs) and schools. Every school should have up to date information on the medical status of each student and a clear communication plan in case of an outbreak/confirmed case of COVID-19 in a class. In addition, there should be designated handwashing, triage and sample collection points within the school premises. Importantly, all staff and students six years and above should wear face masks and classrooms must be well ventilated with a minimum of one-metre sitting arrangement.
More information on the guidance can be found here and visual posters can be accessed here. To ensure collaboration on planning, implementation and other response activities, schools should have contact details of their LGA’s rapid response teams and State Ministry of Health (including state epidemiologists). We strongly advise parents, teachers, school owners and all relevant stakeholders in the educational sector to take responsibility for creating a safe learning environment for students.
Summary of Incidents
1. Information for this disease was retrieved from the Technical Working Group and Situation Reports
2. Case Fatality Rate (CFR) for this disease is reported for confirmed cases only
3. Information for this disease was retrieved from IDSR 002 data
4. CFR for this disease is reported for total cases i.e. suspected + confirmed
5. Information for sentinel influenza was retrieved from the laboratory
Lassa Fever
Key points
• There were 41 suspected cases, seven were laboratory confirmed and one death was recorded from three LGAs in two states
• No healthcare worker was infected in the reporting week
To date:
• National Lassa fever multi-partner, multi-sectoral Technical Working Group (TWG) continues to coordinate the response activities at all levels
• Enhanced surveillance (contact tracing and active case finding) ongoing in affected states
• Continue mobilisation of resources
Cerebrospinal Meningitis (CSM)
Key points
There were two suspected cases of Cerebrospinal Meningitis (CSM) reported from two LGAs in two states (Borno – 1 & Katsina – 1). None was laboratory confirmed and one death was recorded
To date:
• National CSM TWG meets weekly to review reports from states and plan appropriately
• Enhanced surveillance in all states
• Continue harmonisation of the national line list and SORMAS data
• Continue to ensure that states reporting cases send their line lists and collect CSM samples
Yellow Fever
Key points
• There were 34 suspected cases of Yellow Fever (YF) reported from 27 LGAs in 13 states. None was laboratory confirmed and no death was recorded
To date:
• National multiagency YF Technical Working Group (TWG) is coordinating response activities
• Continue harmonisation of surveillance and laboratory data ongoing
Key points
• There was one suspected case of cholera reported from Bakori LGA in Katsina state. It was not laboratory confirmed and no death was recorded
To date
• National Cholera Multi-Sectoral Technical Working Group (TWG) is monitoring all states and supporting affected states
• Continue follow up and monitoring of non-reporting states
• Continue harmonisation of the national line list and SORMAS data
Key points
• There were 80 suspected cases of measles reported from 47 LGAs in 18 states. None was laboratory confirmed and no death was recorded
To date
• National Measles TWG is closely monitoring measles surveillance data and providing feedback to relevant agencies and development partners
• Weekly surveillance and laboratory data harmonisation ongoing
• Intensify follow up with states to update and transmit line list
• Continue monthly measles surveillance data review
Key points
• There was one suspected case of Monkeypox in Eleme LGA in Rivers state. It was laboratory confirmed and no death was recorded.
To date
• National Monkeypox Technical Working Group (TWG) is monitoring activities in all states
• Enhance surveillance for monkeypox in high burden states
• Continue harmonisation of the national line list and SORMAS data
Acute Flaccid Paralysis (AFP)
Key points
• There were 92 suspected cases of AFP reported from 86 LGAs in 30 states & FCT. None was laboratory confirmed and no death was recorded
National Influenza Sentinel Surveillance
Key points
• The subtypes A seasonal H3, 2009A/H1N1 and A/not subtyped account for 0(0.0%), 17(33.3%) and 34(66.7%) of the total influenza A positive sample, respectively. The subtypes B VICTORIA, B Not subtyped and B Yamagata account for 3(27.3%), 8(72.7%) and 0(0.0%) of the total influenza B positive samples respectively
• The percentage influenza positive was highest in week 10 with 39.5%
Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19)
To date:
• National COVID-19 multi-partner Emergency Operations Centre (EOC) continues to coordinate response activities across states
• Commenced the introduction of dashboard for Surveillance Outbreak Response and Management Analysis System (SORMAS) visualisation across states
• Ongoing development of a training module on the National Integrated Sample Referral Network (NISRN)
• Commenced airing of new risk communication jingles in collaboration with the Federal Ministry Information
• Support planning of Orange Network Workshop on Infection Prevention and Control
• Plan training of on air personalities
• The PTF, NCDC & Federal Ministry of Education (FME) to meet with Commissioners for Education
• Finalise risk assessment tools and planning for active case finding in hotspot LGAs
Timeliness and Completeness of Reports
Timeliness and Completeness of Reports by State