Issue Date: Friday, 1st May 2020
The Federal Republic of Nigeria has received financing from the World Bank towards the cost of the Regional Disease Surveillance System Enhancement Project (Phase II), being implemented under the supervision of the Nigeria Centre for Disease Control, an Agency under the Ministry of Health.
The REDISSE Project was initiated by the World Bank to cover all countries in the ECOWAS sub-region as a result of the 2014-2015 West Africa Ebola crisis. The Project is cross-sectorial, with both human health and animal health sectors’ implementation. The project promotes regional collaboration among ECOWAS countries, in order to ensure that gaps in disease detection and outbreak response across the West African sub-region and effectively addressed. Successful implementation of the project is envisaged to minimize the health and economic consequences of major disease outbreaks. The REDISSE Project was formally launched in Nigeria on the 27th of April 2018.
The Project Development Objectives (PDO) is to strengthen cross-sectorial and National capacity for collaborative disease surveillance and response in Nigeria. It seeks to address systematic weakness within the animal and human health systems that hinder effective disease surveillance.
The Project funding is targeted to support five components and they are: a) Surveillance and Information System, b) Strengthening Laboratory Capacity, c) Preparedness and Emergency Response, d) Human Resource Management for Effective Disease Surveillance and Epidemic Preparedness, e) Institution Capacity Building, Project Management, Coordination and Advocacy.
Job Description
Specific duties for this position will include the following:
A. Advisory Services on Procurement of Goods and Works in the following areas
i. Preparation of Project Work Plans and Procurement Schedules for Goods and Works in accordance with the World Bank Procurement Framework and Regulations.
ii. Prepare Technical Specifications for Goods
iii. Prepare bill of Quantities/ technical specifications for Works
iv. Solicit Bidders/Vendors through drafting and Advertising of IFB
v. Prepare Bidding Documents
vi. Manage sales and follow up of Bidding Documents
vii. Receipt/Opening of offers
viii. In conjunction with the relevant committee, carry out detailed evaluation and confirm responsiveness, arithmetical accuracy of bidders offers
ix. Compile evaluation report and present same through relevant authorities and the World Bank for “No Objection” approval
x. Prepare Contract Documents for execution between the Supplier and the User.
B. Advisory Services on Procurement of Services
i. Preparation of Project Work Plans and Procurement Schedules for Services under QCBS, QBS, CQ, IC, etc.
ii. Preparation of Terms of Reference and clear with World Bank
iii. Support the process of soliciting qualified Consultants through drafting, seeking No Objection of the World Bank and Advertising of EOI
iv. Support the organization of Pre-Proposal Conference where necessary
v. Preparation of Request for Proposals for No Objection of World Bank
vi. Assist in the Evaluation of EOIs and develop shortlist
vii. Assist in Compilation of reports and request World Bank No objection on the shortlist
viii. Assist in the Evaluation of Proposals
ix. Facilitate the compilation of reports and the receipt of ‘No Objection’ clearance from the World Bank
x. Assist in building up Consultants database.
C. Advisory Services on Implementation Supervision
i. Develop and discuss alternative solutions to identified problems.
ii. Explore the most viable solution and discuss this with the FMF (PCU)
iii. Assist in the application of the agreed corrective measures
iv. Provide hands-on training to the PCU on implementation matters covering procurement, disbursements, report writing, etc.
v. Conduct post-implementation review
vi. Participate at meetings aimed at improving project implementation
vii. Any other responsibility relating to the project as required by the project Coordinator.
Qualification and Experiences
• A degree in Accounting, Management, Industrial Engineering, or Project Management.
• Previous experience as a Procurement Consultant for World Bank assisted projects or similar multilateral institution environment such as ADB or similar organizations.
• Previous World Bank training on procurement of Goods, works and consultancy services.
• Previous experience in preparing bidding documents for large works/goods contracts.
• Previous experience with job description mentioned above.
The Nigeria Centre for Disease Control now invites eligible individual candidates to apply. Interested candidates must provide information through their Curriculum Vitae demonstrating that they have required qualification and experience for the position.
Short listed candidates will be interviewed on the date/time/venue that will be announced later.
Further information can be obtained at the address below during office hours 0900hrs to 1700hrs
Applications must be delivered in a written form and/or a sealed envelope to the address below in person or by mail on or before Thursday, 14th May 2020.
The Project Coordinator
REDISSE Project,
Nigeria Centre for Disease Control,
Plot 804, Ebitu Ukiwe Street, Jabi,
E-mail address: [email protected]